

I am a robotics engineer who is interested in motion planning, optimal control and machine learning. To be detailed, I am fascinated with some complicated systems with constraints and uncertain interactions in real-world environments. So, I want to improve the control performance under the uncertainties and improve the compuptational efforts for real-time tractability. Also, I am very interested in practical implementations such as autonomous vehicles, robot manipulators, and legged locomotion.


Aug.2019 ~ Present : Ph.D Candidate in Control, UC Berkeley

Mar.2012 ~ Aug.2018 : B.S. in Mechanical Engineering , Seoul National University (summa cum laude)

Mar.2009 ~ Feb.2012 : Seoul Science High School (for scientific-gifted students)

Research Experience

Aug.2019 ~ Present : UC Berkeley Model Predictive Control Lab advised by Francesco Borrelli

Mar.2017 ~ Jul.2018 : SNU Interactive and Networked Robotics Lab advised by Dongjun Lee

Work Experience

Jul.2018 ~ Apr.2019 : NAVER LABS, Robotics Team Intern

Now, I am studying in UC Berkeley Ph.D program and working in the MPC lab of UC Berkeley as a graduate student researcher. I am financially supported by the Korean Government Ph.D. Scholarship for Studying Overseas. You can also search for me at this attached Curriculum Vitae or inspect in detail by reading this page Publication

  • Technical Skills : C/C++, Python, MATLAB ROS1/2, Tensorflow/Pytorch, CasADi, OpenAI/Issac gym